Start of 2013 Photo Project

January 01, 2013  •  3 Comments

Cloudland 0010

I am not sure how long I will continue my new photographic project for this year, but this is my first installment. Each day I will look at the news headlines for the day and then do a bit of free association to generate a photo idea. Usually the headline will come from the NY Times, as I read it everyday. Today's headline was "Senate Passes Legislation to Allow Taxes on Affluent to Rise". The objective is not to illustrate the headline or make any political statement. Rather it is to see where the headline might take me photographically. Today, Claire and I were driving to meet friends for a New Year's brunch when we passed a cemetery. The oft repeated statement that "the only thing in life that are certain are death and taxes" sprung into mind. I took several shots but I liked this one the best as it isolates a couple of headstones with others in the background. The pictures will not necessarily be great but hopefully they will show the whimsical state of my mind. Nikkor 17-55mm@52mm, f16, 1/100 s, ISO 800.



Patti Barksdale(non-registered)
The thought that went through my mind when I first saw this picture was, "Hard, cold fact! How many buried beneath theses stones were prepared to meet their maker on the day they departed this earth? We each must give an account - the eternal tax." You know I love cemeteries and snow. Peaceful!
Ann Littlefield Coleman(non-registered)
What can I say, this looks like a cold day in a cemetery. But you project sounds very interesting.
Edie Littlefield Sundby(non-registered)
Lovely idea. Dave, it will be interesting to follow where your meandering lens leads.

Alas Ben Franklin's famous quote unfortunately has to be updated to this day and age: "Nothing is certain except for death, taxes, and soaring deficits."
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