What You Shouldn't Say or Do on a First Date

January 19, 2013  •  2 Comments

Collette Trail HDR9-13 CE

What You Shouldn't Say or Do on a First Date

Collette Trail 0047 This headline from the AARP online magazine caught my attention this morning. I am always surprised at the "issues" seniors apparently deal with these days. I am still on my first date with Claire which hits 42 years in March. But I did have a first date today. I recently joined the Quechee Area Camera Club better known as "Quack". Today I went on my first photo outing with the club to Collette Trail on Bicknell Brook in Enfield, NH. The stream is beautiful in the snow with many drops and small falls. And the trail even in the snow is easily hiked. We worked about a quarter mile section in perfect weather - no wind, 30 degree temps, and overcast skies. This image was one of the first I captured trying to catch the double "S" curve on the left and the more rapidly moving water to the right. The ice had a brownish, yellow tinge probably due to tannin and the recent "January thaw". The picture is a 5 shot HDR with my Tamron 10-24mm@14mm, f22, 1/2 sec +/- 2ev, ISO 100. I took a picture on "my first date" and the image says it all.


Edie Littlefield Sundby(non-registered)
Looking at the picture and your headline from the online AARP Magazine I would have guessed the meaning of your picture had something to do with "breaking the ice" on a first date :)
Ann Littlefield Coleman(non-registered)
This has got to be the all time record for a first date title. It will take those that do not know the background some time to figure it out. You have just explained it to me and I still do not know what to think. Some of us are a little out of touch with the dating world. But for pictures, it is great. My guess that is what you were saying with your first picture outing today with the new group.
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