Bike Path Photography

November 03, 2013  •  1 Comment

W&OD 11_2 0028W&OD 11_2 0028W&OD Bike Path Ashburn to Leesburg VA I especially like Images from the the photographic genre termed "street photography". A street photographer records images as they occur and the best photographers have an uncanny ability to compose instantly and capture a picture that tells a story or relates to the viewer emotionally. It also takes a certain skill to take images of perfect strangers without incurring a negative reaction. I have not become a street photographer yet because I am too reluctant to invade someone else's privacy without express permission. But yesterday I indulged in some "Bike Path Photography". Although I did dismount to take the above image of Sycolin Creek from the bike path bridge, the pictures in the slide show below were taken from my bike as I rode. I had my camera mounted on a strap around my chest and as I rode I would tilt the camera lens forward, pre-focus, and shoot. Olympus OMD E-M5, f5.6, various shutter speeds, ISO 200. The day was a beautiful fall day and I got a bike ride and photography session in simultaneously.


Edie Littlefield Sundby(non-registered)
Sometimes the most exquisite beauty is found in the simple places where we live our lives - such is the beauty of your bike path. Your photo is reminder we don't need to travel the world to see the world in all its glory - as the Buddha reminded, we need look no further than our own backyard.
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