Few Flowers - But Birds are Here

April 02, 2013  •  1 Comment

Birds April 2 0036 As I mentioned yesterday, Spring seems to be reluctant in bursting forth. But I have decided I need to get out and search for signs of its arrival. Of course among the reliable harbingers of Spring is the American Robin. The robin is so ubiquitous that we probably fail to appreciate it as much as we should, especially it's many songs and calls. A click on the link will take you to the website of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology which is an outstanding resource for birders, or in my case someone who is severely challenged when asked to identify birds. All of the birds in this post were shot today as I walked around the woods behind our Virginia townhome and a neighboring development with a nice natural wetland set aside. I had a Tamron 70-300mm mounted with the aperture set to 6.3 yielding in most cases shutter speeds above 1/500 s. The lens also has an excellent vibration reduction feature. Most shots were at 300mm and even then the shots have been cropped to about 1/5th the original size. I have been able to identify 3 in the row below as: a Red Breasted Woodpecker, a White Throated Sparrow, and an Eastern Bluebird. The day was chilly and windy and you can see that the some of the birds have fluffed out their feathers. The woodpecker was a lucky find as you can see the hole to the nest to the right. In the next row I have tentatively identified the one of the left as a

Birds April 2 0068

Birds April 2 0105 Birds April 2 0140

Mocking bird but the other 2 I have not identified and would welcome some help.

Birds April 2 0126 Birds April 2 0170 Birds April 2 0179







Ann Littlefield Coleman(non-registered)
This makes me want to get out the bird seed to fill the feeders in the back yard. I love the woody woodpeckers and the cardinals best that come to feed at my door. I think we have lost ole woody though, as I have not seen him in a year or so. Maybe spring is just around the corner as I noticed new life on the rose bush I planted last year. I am ready!
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