Flowering Dogwood

May 05, 2013  •  2 Comments

Meadowlark 0047

Meadowlark 0052 A few flowering trees are iconic such as the Cherry trees in Washington. The Flowering Dogwood is another iconic tree and it shares a attribute with the Cherry tree in that it is beautiful as a whole and each individual flower is also beautiful. The flowers on the Dogwoods at Meadowlark are huge with some approaching 4 inches in diameter. The close-up image was shot handheld with my Olympus OMD and the Olympus M12-50mm in macro mode - 1/400s, f6.3, ISO400. The tree image was shot at 1/2000s, f3.7, ISO400 (it was windy and I wanted a high shutter speed).


Patti Barksdale(non-registered)
So lovely, and I love the shades of color you captured behind. The dog woods are always so pretty on our property. Like a trumpeting ushering in a season!
Edie Littlefield Sundby(non-registered)
Your photos do justice to this lovely tree and blossom ... I love how you position the tree in the frame, just right, to catch the light - the tree reminds me of a queen in court, the center of attention.
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