The grandchildren, their parents, and we are all headed for Sicily in April. Two images I commonly associate with the Mediterranean are Pergolas and the wonderful high contrast black and while images of directors such as Fellini. On a particularly sunny day I came across this Pergola and loved the way the light played with the structure, providing both shaping shadows as well as creating interesting lines on the beams. To further enhance the impact of the light, I let my limited internal "Ansel Adams" take over. It is difficult to find someone who does not know and appreciate the images of Ansel Adams. To this day any photographer who is serious about improving will have at least a passing knowledge of the Zone System developed by Ansel Adams. For those of you familiar with this system, I chose to go from a 1 to a 8/9, losing all detail in some of the blacks while retaining some detail in even the brightest whites. Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Leica Summilux 25mm@ f6.3, 1/1600 s., ISO 200. B&W post processing in Lightroom 5.